Using Mobile-Supported Self-Learning Modules in Developing Oral Communication Skills of Grade 9 ESL Students


  • Emmanuel Santos Department of Education (SDO Marikina), University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines



Attitude, Emergency Remote Teaching , Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, Oral Communication Skills, Self-Learning Modules


With the recent pandemic, the development of oral communication skills became more challenging to address. Hence, the study sought to determine the effect of mobile-supported SLMs on oral communication skills and identify the attitudes of students toward the use of the material. The study used one-group pretest-posttest design. The scores in the pretest and posttest were analyzed through paired-samples t-test, while the answers in the attitude survey questionnaire were analyzed through the median of every item and triangulated with the students’ essay and teacher’s log. The study found a statistically significant difference in students’ oral communication skills before and after exposure to the mobile-supported SLMs, and students generally have a positive attitude towards the use of the materials. It was concluded that students in low-resource contexts can still develop their oral communication skills and that they like using mobile-supported SLMs to develop their oral communication skills during education in emergencies.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. (2023). Using Mobile-Supported Self-Learning Modules in Developing Oral Communication Skills of Grade 9 ESL Students. American Journal of Education and Technology, 2(2), 99–107.