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About the Journal
The American Journal of Education and Technology (AJET) is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that aims to publish original research articles, case study, and review papers. AJET is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers that address the intersection of education and technologies. It aims to provide implications and scopes to develop and enhance technological education as well as uses of technology in education at all levels across the globe. The AJET reviews papers within the shortest possible time of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.
ISSN: 2832-9481 (Online)
Aim & Scope
The American Journal of Education and Technology (AJET) is an avenue for the range of arguments, issues, and implications in the education field as well as the uses of technologies, information and communication technology (ICT) across educational services, disciplines, and industry. It further emphasizes the application of technologies to develop and manage to improve contemporary learning and teaching in a variety of avenues, settings, and environments. It aims to deliver perspectives at all levels, from the micro-level of explicit educational methods and technologies or ICT applications & tools to be used in the learning management system, educational institutional management method, development, and implementation, curriculum & content development, graduate employability, and quality education, to the macro-level of national policies and implementations; from primary education levels to adults in both territory and vocational education levels in schools, institutions and higher institutions to online, offline and lifelong learning. All articles are reviewed quickly, professionally copyedited, and checked for similarity to avoid plagiarism for quality and faster publication.
Frequencies of publication
Four issues in a year while it accepts articles throughout the years and publishes online immediately after receiving the final version from the author.
Areas of publication
AJET covers the topics of education and technology but not limited to-
◉ Education related to computer science and engineering
◉ Territory education to higher education
◉ Applications of technologies and ICTs in the process and development of education systems
◉ Teaching-learning management system
◉ Institutional management system
◉ Smart education solution
◉ Smart campus solutions, and development
◉ New era of IoT, AI, & related to 4IR in the area of education and educational organization etc.