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About the Journal

The American Journal of Environmental Experience Design (AJEXD) is an open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that publishes articles in diverse fields such as design, science, engineering, technology, and humanities. The AJEXD endeavors to provide a global platform for the dynamic exchange of design ideas and findings from research of various disciplines, focusing on ‘Human/User-centered Design’. The AJEXD reviews papers within the shortest possible time of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.

Aim & Scope
Environmental Experience Design (EXD) accumulates and disseminates original research knowledge from exploring “human experiences” in built environments in developed and developing nations. The AJEXD aims to bring new research and design idea insights into the human experience design innovations across various fields as well as the significance of ‘Human/User-centered Design’. It embraces the environmental experience design research that aligns with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The AJEXD welcomes research articles and reviews papers that emphasize theoretical, conceptual, and empirical evidence on the ‘Human Experience and Human/User-centered Design’, including issues and opportunities in relevant studies.

Area of publication
The AJEXD covers research articles and reviews papers across all academic disciplines (Human experience in the built environment, environmental design, architecture, urban and rural planning and design, landscape design, product design, interior design, creative art and design, design engineering, design methodology and strategies, design psychology, built-environment and health-wellbeing, indoor environmental quality, energy efficiency, design innovation) related to the human-centered environmental design and sustainability. All articles are reviewed quickly, professionally copyedited, and checked for similarity to avoid plagiarism for quality and faster publication.

Frequencies of publication
Two issues in a year while it accepts articles throughout the years and publishes online immediately after receiving the final version from the author/authors.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): American Journal of Environmental Experience Design
                    View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): American Journal of Environmental Experience Design
Published: 2023-09-11

Research Articles

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