Leadership Styles of Choreographers Vis-A-Vis Commitment of Student-Dancers Across Various Higher Education Institutions in Luzon, Philippines


  • Joseph Lobo City College of Angeles




Choreographers, Commitment, Dance Education, Leadership Style, Student-dancers


This study aims to determine the relationship between leadership style of choreographers and commitment of student-dancers. Respondents for the study are from different HEIs in the entire Luzon. Data gathering has been conducted through online survey using LSQ and OCQ to 105 choreographers and 228 student-dancers. Frequency, mean, sum and standard deviation were used to describe the leadership styles of choreographers and the level of commitment of student-dancers, and Pearson-r to determine the relationship between leadership style and commitment. Results found out that most of the choreographers’ leadership style is democratic, while the commitment level of student-dancers was found to be moderately high. Leadership style has no significant relationship commitment which accepts the null hypothesis tested in the study. Further investigation was recommended to deeply understand the relationship between leadership style of choreographers and student-dancers commitment. Lastly, based on the results of this study, programs were designed to enhance leadership skills of choreographers and the commitment of student-dancers. The result of this study brings new information in the existing study in leadership and commitment, but is highly significant as new knowledge in the field of dance research.


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How to Cite

Lobo, J. (2022). Leadership Styles of Choreographers Vis-A-Vis Commitment of Student-Dancers Across Various Higher Education Institutions in Luzon, Philippines. American Journal of Arts and Human Science, 1(1), 11–26. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajahs.v1i1.279