Impact of Knowledge Management on Employee Innovation Capabilities: An Empirical Study of the Pharmaceuticals Industry in Bangladesh


  • Kanij Fatema Tumpa City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Murshedul Arafin City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Fatema Tuz Zohora City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh



Knowledge Management, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Dissemination, Knowledge Application, Innovation, Pharmaceutical Industry


The potential impact of knowledge management practices on enhancing the innovative abilities of employees has yet to be fully explored in the dynamic context of the Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry. In an effort to bridge this gap, this empirical study delves into the relationship between knowledge management and employees’ innovative capabilities. Through a comprehensive survey of 238 knowledgeable employees from 10 pharmaceutical companies, this research employs the PLS-SEM method to rigorously examine the reliability, validity, and research hypotheses. The results of this study reveal that knowledge acquisition, dissemination, and application all play a significant role in shaping employees’ innovative capabilities. By establishing a clear connection between knowledge management and innovation, this study adds valuable insights to the existing literature.


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How to Cite

Tumpa, K. F., Arafin, M., & Zohora, F. T. (2024). Impact of Knowledge Management on Employee Innovation Capabilities: An Empirical Study of the Pharmaceuticals Industry in Bangladesh. American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation, 3(3), 31–41.