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The American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation (AJEBI) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published thrice a year by E-Palli LLC. AJEBI addresses the extensive area of economics and business, and their innovation in contemporary industry and the world. It is particularly receptive to research relevant to innovation and digitalization within economic and business constituents. It covers studies on how innovation and technology initiate and promote economic endeavors and businesses in diverse organizational forms, either in profit or non-profit firms, private or public sector institutions, or formal or informal social networks. AJEBI welcomes qualitative and quantitative case studies with high-quality, rigorous methods and a strong impact on the field and/or literature review paper with a systematic structure. AJEBI reviews papers within the shortest possible time of submission and publishes accepted articles online immediately upon receiving the final versions. Authors across the globe are welcome to submit their research papers to this prestigious journal.
ISSN: 2831-5588 (Online), 2832-4862 (Print)
- Original research articles
- Short Communications
- Review Article
- Updated Conference Paper
- Scientific Reports
For more information, click here
Frequency of publication
The final version of the article will be published immediately online, But there are three issues per year that can be published as printed versions and online.
Area of publications
The subjects covered by the journal include but are not limited to any research, findings, and articles related to economics, business, and finance. Authors can submit their articles by clicking:
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Yours sincerely,
Managing Editor
American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation (AJEBI)
E-Palli Publications
Phone: +1 302-407-0506
Authors are welcome to submit papers online.
Review Article
The Editors of the Journal encourage the publication of scholarly review articles in the Journal.
Make a new submission to the Review Article section.
Short Communication
Short communications are short articles (mini original articles) that present original and important preliminary findings that do not warrant publication as full-length articles but are still worthy of publication. The main text should be subdivided into background, methods, results, and discussion, but should be written as concisely as possible.
Make a new submission to the Short Communication section.
Scientific Reports
Make a new submission to the Scientific Reports section.