Risk Prediction of Thalassemia Using Data Mining Classifiers
Medical Data Mining, Thalassemia, J48 Decision Tree, Naïve Bayesian Network, Multilayer Perceptron Neural NetworkAbstract
Medical data mining is concerned with prediction knowledge, which is a useful method for extracting hidden patterns from given data for specific purposes. Thalassemia is one of the most common inherited blood hematological disorders, and this paper adopted data mining classification techniques to generate results with high performance and accuracy for risk prediction of thalassemia. The dataset for this purpose was collected from NIBD (National Institute of Blood Diseases), a well-known institute and hospital for blood diseases in Karachi, Pakistan. They provided 301 records of CBC test reports containing positive and negative statuses of diagnosis of thalassemia traits. There were many instances in the report, of which 6 were used for our research purpose, i.e. Gender, MCV, HGB, HCT, MCHC, and RDW. The dataset was divided into training and test data using the WEKA tool. Four algorithms of data mining classification, namely J48 Decision Tree, Naïve Bayesian Network, SMO algorithm, and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network were adopted to train the model and classify the patient having traits of thalassemia from normal persons with the use of the WEKA tool. Results revealed that out of all four algorithms, Naïve Bayes provided results with the highest accuracy of 99%.
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