Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus Among the Outdoor Patients in Upazilla Health Complexes Under Jhalakati District of Bangladesh


  • Layla Azmin Akter Nursing Institute, Munshiganj, Bangladesh



Knowledge on Diabetes, Prevention of Diabetes, Mellitus, Outdoor Patients


The study “Knowledge of diabetes mellitus among the outdoor patients in Upazilla Health Complexes under Jhalakati District of Bangladesh” was conducted among 100 patients who attended in the outpatient department of Upazilla Health Complexes under Jhalakati District. The objectives of this study are to explore the socio-demographic history and knowledge level of the patients about risk factors as well as treatment and preventing ways of diabetes mellitus among the outdoor of Upazilla Health Complexes under Jhalakati District. The study found that the demographic characteristics of majority of the respondents were above middle aged, falling the age ranges of 41-45, 46-50 and above 51 where 59 percents of respondent ware female. The respondents were chosen from various educational level and most of them had a fairly low income of between 2000-5000. Slightly more than half the respondents did not walk regularly. Very few of the respondents worked out every day whereas the majority (82%) did not. The respondents said that they knew diabetes is caused when blood has high sugar levels or is the production of symptoms of polyuria due to high blood sugar levels. 23 respondents who were not sure about the types of diabetes, 2 thought there was a single type, 24 thought there were 2 types and 26 thought there were 3 types. A small number of respondents knew of type-1 diabetes (32%). Most respondents did not know of gestational diabetes (79%). Symptoms of diabetes known by the respondents included frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, and very dry skin along with many other symptoms 32%,26%,33% and 44% respectively. Many respondents knew about the screening tests of diabetes (65). As per the respondent’s opinion the study recommends improving the knowledge of DM among the people through mass media like TV programs, theater, counseling, newspaper articles and BCC materials.


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How to Cite

Akter, L. A. (2023). Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus Among the Outdoor Patients in Upazilla Health Complexes Under Jhalakati District of Bangladesh. American Journal of Medical Science and Innovation, 2(2), 8–15.