Assessing the Challenges and Interventions for Primary Education Learners
Early Childhood Education, Challenges Encountered, Interventions Provided, Decriptive-Correlational Research, Dumaguete City Division, PhilippinesAbstract
This research assessed the learners’ challenges encountered and interventions provided at Dumaguete City Central School in Dumaguete City Division during school year 2023-2024 for a proposed behavior modification guide. This descriptive correlational design study had purposively selected 120 parent and 16 teacher respondents who answered a researcher-made survey questionnaire. The data gathered were statistically treated. Findings revealed that the majority of parent respondents were 30-49 years old, females, high school graduates, with 3-4 children, and middle-income. Teacher respondents mostly were 51-69 years old, female, with master’s units, and had 16 years or more in service. The parents and teachers perceived the extent of the learners’ challenges encountered as to family and peers was high, and the classroom was moderate for parents and low for teachers. Parents’ perception of the extent of the interventions provided to the learners in terms of family, peers, and classroom was all moderately done. While for the teachers, as to family was done, for peers and classroom was extensively done. There was no significant difference between the teachers’ and parents’ perception of the learners’ challenges encountered by family and peers, but there was a significant difference in the classroom variable. There was no significant difference between the teachers and parents’ perception on the extent of Interventions provided towards the learners in terms of family, peers, and classroom. There was a significant relationship between the challenges encountered and the interventions provided towards the learners.
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