Teachers’ Research Competence and Engagement: Basis for Research Development Plan


  • Jovit Comon PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College, Philippines
  • Gerlinda Corpuz PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College, Philippines




Research Competence, Research Engagement, Research Development Plan


Teachers’ research and competence posited complementary synergy theorizing that teachers with higher research competence are engaged in research pursuits relevant to professional growth within the context of education. This research addressed six key objectives by profiling respondents, assessing teachers’ competence on framing questions and data collection, identifying literature and theoretical knowledge, and analyzing and presenting research data, and research engagement levels on motivation to write research, and difficulty in conducting research, determining significant relationships between competence and engagement, exploring the correlation between engagement and respondents’ profiles, and designing a research development plan. Employing an adapted survey questionnaire using a universal sampling method, 391 teachers across the two districts in the Division of El Salvador City were surveyed during the School Year 2023–2024. Statistical tools such as means, frequency, standard deviation, Pearson-r, and triangulations were applied for data analysis. Findings indicated a positive correlation between teachers’ research competence and engagement. A significant relationship was identified between engagement and moderating variables like related training and position. Despite the teachers being competent and engaged, their research work was hindered by the number of coordinatorships they handled. It is important to emphasize the research competence and engagement for educational improvement as it illuminates the current state of teachers’ research skills and lays the groundwork for a targeted Research Development Plan.


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How to Cite

Comon, J., & Corpuz, G. (2024). Teachers’ Research Competence and Engagement: Basis for Research Development Plan. American Journal of Arts and Human Science, 3(1), 24–44. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajahs.v3i1.2340