Service Innovation Model on Memorable Tourism Experiences for Active Elderly Walking Route: A Service Design Perspective


  • Nai-Hui Yeh Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
  • Chia-Han Yang Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan



Memorable Tourism Experience, Senior Tourism, Service Design, Tourism Activities, Tourist Experience


With the global population aging, a growing number of retired seniors seek meaningful and enriching tourism experiences that align with their interests and life stage. This study investigates the factors contributing to memorable tourism experiences (MTEs) for active elderly, using the MTE scale, which encompasses seven dimensions: hedonism, refreshment, meaningfulness, local culture, involvement, knowledge, and novelty. Focusing on walking routes in Tainan, this research explores how these dimensions shape the experiences of active elderly. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and participant observations, targeting active elderly aged 65 to 74. The findings reveal that knowledge acquisition, cultural immersion, and personal fulfillment are the most valued elements. Sensory engagement and interaction with knowledgeable tour guides were noted as critical factors enhancing the memorability of experiences. Participants expressed a desire for longer, reflective tours that balance cognitive stimulation with physical needs. This study addresses the gap in research on senior tourism, particularly in designing tailored services for active elderly. The research provides insights into the role of service design in creating personalized tourism experiences that meet the aspirations of this demographic. These findings contribute to both the academic understanding of memorable tourism and practical guidelines for the tourism industry to enhance cultural tourism offerings for active retirees


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How to Cite

Yeh, N.-H., & Yang, C.-H. (2025). Service Innovation Model on Memorable Tourism Experiences for Active Elderly Walking Route: A Service Design Perspective. American Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 3(1), 1–13.