Analysis of Window Width Variations on MSCT Stonegraphy Anatomic Image Information at Sanjiwani Hospital of Gianyar Regency
MSCT, Stonegraphy, Window WidthAbstract
Parameters in MSCT can affect image contrast and brightness are values of Window width and window level. window width will affect the contrast of the image. where the higher the value of window width used, the image contrast will decrease, where is the selection of the value of window width which can improve the quality of MSCT images and provide better diagnostic information. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of window width variation on anatomy image information and determine the most optimal window width value MSCT Stonegraphy examination. This research is a quantitative with an experimental approach. The data obtained was then analyzed by kappa test to assess the reliability of the respondents, from the results of the respondents then the statistical test used was the Friedman test. Statistical test results p value <0.05. This research has the effect of changing values window width. anatomical image information with value of window width 250 showed optimal results for assessing the urinary tract on Stonegraphy MSCT. In this study there is the effect of variation window width significant to the Stonegraphic MSCT anatomical image information.
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