The Long-Term Relationship between Insurance Customers and Agents: The Importance of Full Disclosure for Optimal Coverage
Algorithm to Machine Learning, Blockchain Technology, Customer Trust, Full Disclosure, Insurance Customers and Agents, Insurance OperationsAbstract
This review article explores the critical role of full disclosure in fostering a long-term relationship between insurance customers and agents. This examines the functional responsibilities of insuring agents, the importance of full disclosure, strategies for building lasting relationships, and how full disclosure leads to optimal coverage. This also addresses challenges and barriers to full disclosure and discusses future trends in the insurance industry. For the execution of this review, the recent research and reviews/articles published are based on the Long-Term Relationship Between Insurance Customers and Agents: The Importance of Full Disclosure for Optimal Coverage. In this given review, data was gathered by the applicability of several search engines Studies or journal articles were selected through inclusion-exclusion criteria. The studies selected from the years ranging between 2019 to 2024 by using different keywords like “Insurance customers,” “agents,” “full disclosure,” “optimal coverage,” After searching relevant papers on different search engines including Google Scholar, to apply different keywords like “Insurance customers,” “agents,” “full disclosure,” and “optimal coverage,”, the researcher initially found 2200 papers for publication relevant to. After filtration of studies, the researcher narrowed down to 400 articles related to the Importance of Full Disclosure for Optimal Coverage After further screening and use of the most relevant variables of the study, the articles were reduced to 150. Customers have become more informed and technologically practical, and their expectations for transparency promote a personalised service in the insurance industry that has risen. Modern customers demand instant accessibility to information, clarity in communication, and tailored insurance solutions that meet specific needs.
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