Future of Retailing in Metro Manila: DIY Homeowners’ Acceptance and Use of Technology in an Omnichannel Retailing


  • Jervis Anthony R. Agustin San Beda University Manila, Philippines




Omnichannel, UTAUT, Usage Behavior, Purchase Intent, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Habit, Social Influence, Perceived Security


This paper investigates the multifaceted realm of consumer behavior within Metro Manila’s hardware industry, focusing on omnichannel factors that shape purchase intentions. Drawing from Venkatesh et al.’s 2003 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, the researcher adapted the theoretical framework by eliminating moderators and substituting Facilitating Conditions with Habit and Perceived Security. To unravel the intricacies of consumer preferences, a quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a survey instrument administered to 400 DIY homeowners-representing a cross-section of the target population. The research methodology incorporated Slovin’s formula for sample size determination, ensuring a robust and representative dataset. Additionally, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to analyze the data and derive meaningful insights. This methodological approach allows for a refined exploration of the relationships between variables, offering a quantitative foundation for answering the research questions. The results elucidate the pivotal roles of Performance Expectancy and Perceived Security in positively influencing Purchase Intent. Notably, the study unveils a significant positive relationship between Purchase Intent and Usage Behavior, emphasizing the consequential impact of intention on subsequent consumer actions. This comprehensive exploration provides valuable insights for industry practitioners seeking to refine their omnichannel strategies in the hardware sector. By deciphering the intricate interplay of factors influencing consumer behavior, businesses can optimize their approaches, fostering greater engagement and loyalty among DIY homeowners in Metro Manila. This research contributes significantly to the evolving discourse on omnichannel dynamics, offering a nuanced perspective grounded in empirical evidence and a modified UTAUT framework.


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How to Cite

Agustin, J. A. R. (2024). Future of Retailing in Metro Manila: DIY Homeowners’ Acceptance and Use of Technology in an Omnichannel Retailing. American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation, 3(1), 71–91. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajebi.v3i1.2405