The Effect of Production Process Management on Quality Control in The Iron and Steel Industry in Libya


  • Omer Ibrahim Azouza Iqra Business School, Universiti Geomatika Malaysia
  • Khairi Ahmed R. Masaud Iqra Business School, Universiti Geomatika Malaysia



Development of Production Process Management, Quality Control, Iron and Steel Industry in Libya, Developing Countries


Quality is the crucial factor that determines a company’s ability to compete in the marketplace and survive. However, developing production process management is one of the most critical factors affecting quality control. Hence, this study aims to investigate the impact of the development of production process management on quality control in the Iron and Steel industry in developing countries. A quantitative approach was utilized to achieve the study’s goals. A total of 384 employees working in Libyan Iron and Steel Company were sampled during the data collection stage of this study. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to evaluate the impact of the development of production process management on quality control. The findings of this study showed a positive and significant impact of the development of production process management on quality control. This study offers practical implications, some recommendations for the direction of future research, as well as study limitations.


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How to Cite

Azouza, O. I., & Masaud, K. A. R. (2023). The Effect of Production Process Management on Quality Control in The Iron and Steel Industry in Libya. American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation, 2(3), 25–31.