The Challenging Conversation between the Catholic Church and Sunni Islam: An Analysis of The Dialogue with the Vatican From the Viewpoint of Al-Azhar University: Challenges, Setbacks & Promises (1998-Present)


  • Abdullah Hemmet College de Paris, Paris, France



Sunni Islam, Catholicism, Nostra Aetate, Intellectual Institution, Al Azhar University, Imam Al Tayyeb


Catholicism and Sunni Islam have been at enmity for centuries, although both have tried to communicate in recent decades. Over the last two decades, Al-Azhar University, the preeminent Sunni intellectual institution, has engaged with the Vatican to foster religious concord and mutual respect. Al Azhar University’s Grand Imam, Sheikh Ahmad Al Tayyeb, has met with various popes and promoted religious tolerance. Pope Francis has promoted interfaith dialogue with Al Azhar. It assesses Al-Azhar University’s role in the Catholic-Sunni dialogue and its triumphs, shortcomings, and prospects. This page uses various sources to explain the argument, its social and cultural setting, and the religious and political issues that shaped the discussion. It highlights the importance and challenges of interfaith cooperation. The overall research focuses on Al-Azhar University’s viewpoint to illuminate Sunni Muslims’ motivations for interfaith engagement with the Catholic Church. It describes the reconciliation between Al-Azhar University and the Vatican and offers ideas for religious tolerance and understanding. This study illuminates the intricacy and flexibility of Catholic-Sunni dialogue. It emphasises the necessity for open Conversation, mutual respect, and shared values across the world’s three largest religions to promote peace.


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How to Cite

Hemmet, A. (2023). The Challenging Conversation between the Catholic Church and Sunni Islam: An Analysis of The Dialogue with the Vatican From the Viewpoint of Al-Azhar University: Challenges, Setbacks & Promises (1998-Present). American Journal of Arts and Human Science, 2(2), 46–56.