Marketing of Metaverse: the Current State and Prospects – A Case of Generation Z


  • Samiha Binte Rafiq Information System and Computer Science Department, Tuskegee University, United States
  • Sumaiya Mahmud Information System and Computer Science Department, Tuskegee University, United States



Immersive Experience, Generation Z, Authenticity, Collaboration, Continued Customer Service, Digital Marketing


This paper explores marketing strategies in the metaverse that brands can adopt attract and retain Generation Z customers. Metaverse provides an online universe with the help of the creator’s and user’s perception with possibly various capabilities. Most individuals will be intrigued by the Metaverse’s diversity. As new technologies are developing, Generation Z has acquired a preference for those that offer immersive experiences. Studying Generation Z behaviour is essential to design a successful metaverse platform. Consumer responses to the virtual environment will determine the platform’s effectiveness since a positive immersive experience will enable them to continue using it and possibly promote it further. This study suggested methods for companies to adapt their current marketing strategies for metaverse and suggested virtual environment features that brands should include based on in-depth interviews of Generation Z, literature review and case studies that brands can implement when developing their metaverse platform for a greater immersive experience.This study used the qualitative research approach, collecting data through in-depth interviews of 30 people aged from the range of Generation Z from The United States, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh. Data were categorized using inductive reasoning and similar responses were identified from a data matrix. The results were presented as a narrative by summarizing all the responses. We used a qualitative approach to analyse interview transcripts in order to gain a comprehensive grasp of participants’ perspectives on Metaverse as part of businesses to establish more effective marketing communications plans. Several elements have beenidentified in this study including the expectations from the metaverse, Generation Z-brand connection and Generation Z crisis. Some recurring ideas have been brought to the attention by many of the respondents.


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How to Cite

Rafiq, S. B., & Mahmud, S. (2024). Marketing of Metaverse: the Current State and Prospects – A Case of Generation Z. International Journal of Metaverse, 2(1), 43–52.