Properties Evaluation and Suitability Assessment for Construction Applications of Sand of Kirtankhola River in Bangladesh


  • Tarun Debnath Barishal Engineering College, Bangladesh
  • M. A. Rob Barishal Engineering College, Bangladesh
  • Sanjoy Bhowal Pranta Barishal Engineering College, Bangladesh
  • Md. Liton Rabbani Barishal Engineering College, Bangladesh



River Sand, Kirtankhola River, Physical and Chemical Properties, Construction Materials


The availability of high-quality construction materials is a critical factor in ensuring the durability and structural integrity of construction projects. River sand is often considered a suitable material for construction due to its quality and performance characteristics when combined with coarse aggregate and binding materials, such as cement in concrete. Additionally, the Kirtankhola River in Barishal, Bangladesh, is known to be a less polluted river. We have selected several locations along this river to collect sand samples for further study regarding this natural resource. This study focuses on the assessment of river sand sourced from the Kirtankhola River, with a primary objective to evaluate its suitability for construction applications. The research employs a comprehensive approach, encompassing field sampling, laboratory testing, and analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the Kirtankhola river sand. Various tests, including gradation analysis, moisture content determination, fineness modulus calculation, Particle size distribution curve, specific gravity measurement, Unit weight, Dry Density and assessment of silt and clay content, are conducted to provide a thorough understanding of the sand’s characteristics. The study also examines the potential presence of organic impurities and assesses the chemical composition of the river sand. Local construction standards and guidelines are taken into account to establish whether the Kirtankhola River sand meets the necessary specifications for use in concrete and mortar. The findings from this research aim to provide valuable insights for construction professionals and decision-makers, aiding in responsible sourcing and usage of construction materials while ensuring the quality and performance of construction projects in the region.


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How to Cite

Debnath, T., Rob, M. A., Pranta, S. B., & Rabbani, M. L. (2024). Properties Evaluation and Suitability Assessment for Construction Applications of Sand of Kirtankhola River in Bangladesh. American Journal of Geospatial Technology, 3(1), 91–100.