Geospatial Analysis of Archaeological Sites in Ikara Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria


  • Qasim Abubakar Ahmad Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Nafiu Garba Umar Department of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria



Archaeologist, Archaeology, Archaeological Site, Geospatial Analysis


Ikara Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria has rich and diverse archaeological heritage. The research employed geospatial technologies, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing, to analyze and document the archaeological sites in Ikara. The research aims to assess the Geospatial distribution of Archaeological sites in the study area by mapping to locate the Archaeological sites in the study area, determine the pattern of distribution of the Archaeological sites and examine the finds and features in the sites. The research employed a mixed-method approach that combines field surveys, archival research, and geospatial analysis. The research findings show fifteen (15) archaeological sites dispersedly distributed across the Eight (8) wards in the study area with Ikara ward having the highest number of archaeological sites. Also, the dominant cultural materials across the sites are finds in forms of potsherds and features in form of House foundation. The cultural remains on the Archaeological sites are House foundations, mounds, granary, potsherds, iron slag, open grave, stone tools and grinding stones. Based on the findings, dispersed pattern of the Archaeological sites in the study area was deduced from the data collected especially at the southern part of the area of study where the sites are found to be most concentrated. Base on the research findings, it is recommended that further research shall be undertaken using GIS and Remote Sensing Technology for effective Archaeological site discovery, management and preservation.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, Q. A., & Umar, N. G. (2024). Geospatial Analysis of Archaeological Sites in Ikara Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. American Journal of Geospatial Technology, 3(1), 17–26.