Women Entrepreneurs-Contributions Through the Digital Marketplace: In the Economy of Bangladesh


  • Farjana Akter Ripa Department of Economics, Asian University for Women, Bangladesh
  • Naziat Mustari ELT, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Nabila Azam Department of Marketing, Univeristy of Chittagong, Bangladesh
  • Jannatul Mawa Mithila Department of Criminology and Police Science, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
  • Zannatul Nayem Department of Zoology, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh




Women Development, Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship, Economy, Digital Marketplace, Entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in a nation’s economic development because it creates wealth, reduces unemployment, and combats poverty. The present research was solely concerned with the contribution of female entrepreneurs to Bangladesh’s economy. It attempts to depict the overall experience of female entrepreneurs, such as the encouragement or support they received, the obstacles and barriers they had to overcome, and so on. This study’s main goal was to discover the benefits of the digital marketplace in the ventures of women in Bangladesh. The data were analyzed using a quantitative research design, simple percentages, and Index Scale Statistics. Data collection was done primarily, and the samples were obtained from female entrepreneurs via a questionnaire survey using convenience and snowball sampling. The graph and table were created using STATA. The findings show that most women in Bangladesh start businesses to gain self-sufficiency or financial independence. Social barriers, family restrictions, insufficient product, insufficient labor, and so on were among the major issues they faced. Before starting the business, most women were students, homemakers, or teachers. In accordance with the respondents, their product has helped people improve their quality of life. Most female entrepreneurs want to grow their online and offline businesses and help unemployed women gain employment. It was discovered that the majority of online entrepreneurs are young women. Most of the start-ups were launched in 2020, indicating a relationship between COVID-19 effects and the launching of start-ups. The majority of women sold their goods on Facebook. Most female entrepreneurs buy their products from wholesalers to get better deals and more benefits. In contrast, some entrepreneurs produce the goods themselves to guarantee their authenticity. The economic development and social well-being of the community and their families’ income are greatly enhanced by the participation of women in entrepreneurship. The findings demonstrate the profound effects that women’s entrepreneurship has had on both the economic situation in Bangladesh and the lives of the entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Ripa, F. A., Mustari, N., Azam, N., Mithila, J. M., & Nayem, Z. (2023). Women Entrepreneurs-Contributions Through the Digital Marketplace: In the Economy of Bangladesh. American Journal of Youth and Women Empowerment, 2(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajywe.v2i1.1262