The Mediating Effect of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Work Engagement Among Public School Teachers


  • Miraflor D. Arranguez University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • Lyndon A. Quines University of Mindanao, Philippines



Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Educational Management, Authentic Leadership, Mediating Effect, Work Engagement, Philippines


This study sought to look into the mediating role of teachers’ self-efficacy on the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement among 312 teachers in Kiblawan North and South District, Division of Davao del Sur. This research used a non-experimental design utilizing the descriptive correlation technique. The statistical tools used were mean, Pearson r, and path analysis using AMOS. As data sources, reliable research instruments on teachers’ self-efficacy, authentic leadership, and work engagement were used. The research shows that authentic leadership has a high level, work engagement has very high level, and teachers’ self-efficacy has a very high level also. Using Pearson r, the results revealed significant that there are significant relationships between authentic leadership and teachers’ self-efficacy, teachers’ self-efficacy and work engagement, and authentic leadership and work engagement. Utilizing path analysis, the study’s findings suggested that teachers’ self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement. Moreover, it is significantly pointed out that the overall impact of the teachers’ self-efficacy on their work engagement is mediated by another variable not included in the model, authentic leadership, and can either be direct or indirect. This implies that authentic leadership influences teachers’ self-efficacy which in turn influences work engagement.


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How to Cite

Miraflor, D. A., & Lyndon , A. Q. . (2022). The Mediating Effect of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Work Engagement Among Public School Teachers. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, 1(5), 53–68.