Leadership Dynamics in Organizational Change: An In-Depth Exploration of Public and Private Sectors in Saudi Arabia
Organisational Change, Saudia Arabia, Organisational Change Efforts, Thematic AnalysisAbstract
The study explores leadership dynamics in Saudia Arabia that have evolved organisational change focusing on public and private sectors. It examined strategies used by private firms focused on innovation and employee engagement and the bureaucratic challenges public firms face. The study has adopted qualitative analysis in which several interviews were conducted through thematic analysis. The study has also applied quantitative analysis, revealing varied perceptions of organizational change among 38 participants, with the private sector being more open, effective communication moderate, and leadership styles influencing success. The analysis has explored discussing the organizational change in Saudia Arabia. The findings explored a divergence in the organizational change strategies of private and public organizations in Saudia Arabia. Motivated by innovation and employee involvement, private enterprises differ from public organisations in terms of the bureaucratic challenges they face. Leadership has a crucial part in achieving great outcomes when leaders effectively engage in mediation, dispute resolution, and emotional management of their staff. Additionally, it was discovered that leaders played an active role in effectively managing time, fostering discipline, and highlighting employee dedication, all of which contributed to the successful implementation of organizational transformation initiatives.
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