Exploring Customer Perceptions and Experiences: A Qualitative Study of Crispy King Fast-Food


  • Jeson S. Pelesco Division of Southern Leyte, Sta. Paz National High School, Philippines
  • Ma. Antonette G. Delfin University Senior High School, University of Bohol, Philippines
  • Mary Grace P. Cepe OIC, Human Resource Department, University of Bohol, Philippines




Fast-Food, Customer Perceptions, Customer Experiences, Customer Preferences, Food Quality


This qualitative research study aims to delve into the perceptions and experiences of customers at Crispy King Fast-food, a prominent chain in the fast-food industry. By employing in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, the study seeks to understand the factors influencing customers’ preferences for Crispy King and the aspects that contribute to their overall satisfaction with the brand. The research will explore various dimensions, including the taste and quality of food offerings, the effectiveness of service, the ambiance of the outlets, and the brand’s positioning in the market. By analyzing these qualitative data, the study aims to identify key strengths and weaknesses of Crispy King from the perspective of its valued customers. Through this research, the study intends to provide valuable insights to Crispy King’s management and marketing teams, helping them enhance their understanding of customer needs and expectations. The findings of this study may serve as a basis for strategic decision-making, fostering improvements in customer satisfaction and loyalty.


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How to Cite

Pelesco, J. S., Delfin, M. A. G., & Cepe, M. G. P. (2023). Exploring Customer Perceptions and Experiences: A Qualitative Study of Crispy King Fast-Food. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, 2(4), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajmri.v2i4.1858