Thermal Experience of University Student Accommodation for Different Orientations and Materials in Chattogram, Bangladesh
Thermal Experience, Building Orientation, Single Brick Wall, Cavity Wall, Student AccommodationAbstract
The building walls, which constitute the crucial component of the building envelope, thermally interact with the outdoor environment and impact the indoor thermal experience. Fire burnt mud bricks are commonly used for building envelopes in Bangladesh, including Chattogram, and the thermal behavior of a single layer of brick wall is well-known. However, the thermal performance of brick cavity walls is still unknown, though designers also use it as a solution to enhance the indoor thermal experience. This paper aims to assess the thermal experience (Air Temperature and Relative Humidity) of university student accommodations made of single brick walls and cavity walls in different orientations, affecting the indoor thermal environment of the buildings in tropical climates during the summer season. Chattogram University of Engineering and Technology is selected to conduct the field and simulation study for this research as it is one of the major governmental universities in Chattogram, and most of the students reside in hostels. In the first phase of this study, indoor temperature and humidity data from four rooms with four orientations from two hostels were collected with a Hobo data logger. In the second phase, a simulation and parametric study was conducted with EnergyPlus with Openstudio plugins to compare simulation results with the field data. The result shows that rooms built with cavity walls have around 2oC less temperature than the rooms constructed with a single layer of brick. In terms of orientation, south-facing rooms perform best for indoor temperatures, whereas west-facing rooms perform the worst for both hostels.
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