Hygienic Production Practices and Microbiological Quality of Sheep Milk in Ararso District of Jarar Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia


  • Abdimawlid Ali Ismail Somali Region Pastoral and Agropastoral Research Institute, Jigjiga, Ethiopia
  • Tedele Amentie Department of Animal and Range Science, Jigjiga University, Jigjiga, Ethiopia
  • Fosiya Hussein Abdi Somali Region Pastoral and Agropastoral Research Institute, Jigjiga, Ethiopia
  • Abdi Abdilahi Ahmed Somali Region Pastoral and Agropastoral Research Institute, Jigjiga, Ethiopia




Ararso District, Hygienic Production Practice, Microbiological Quality, Sheep Milk


This study was conducted to evaluate the hygienic production practices and microbiological quality of sheep milk in Ararso district of Jarar Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. A stratified sampling strategy was used to choose 180 households specifically for this investigation. A total of 60 pooled raw sheep milk samples (each containing 200 mL) were collected from the udders and milk handling equipment of selected milk producers in the research area. The samples were examined to determine microbiological quality. The data were gathered via a questionnaire, field observation, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. The vast majority of respondents in pastoral (86.7%) and agro-pastoral (64.4%) production systems were illiterate. The majority of respondents (70.6%) in the research area cleaned the sheep home (kraal) once every two days. The majority (98.3%) of respondents in the research area milk their sheep in open kraals with no roof or walls. As a consequence, 36.7% of pastoral and agro-pastoral respondents (81.1%) reported cleaning milk vessels on a regular basis. Almost all of the responders in the research area used plastic equipment for milking and handling. The majority of responders in pastoral and agro-pastoralist categories placed barn hygiene first, with indexes of 0.24 and 0.23, respectively. The average total bacterial count (TBC), coiform count (CC) and yeast and mould count (YMC) of raw sheep milk samples were 5.13±0.21, 2.89±0.27, and 0.77±0.21 log10 cfu/mL, respectively. Raw sheep milk samples taken from producers’ milk handling equipment had a substantially higher mean total bacterial count (5.78±0.32 log10 cfu/mL) compared to samples collected from the udder (4.48±0.23 log10 cfu/mL). Milk samples from pastoral and agro-pastoral households had an average coliform count of 3.18 and 2.60 log10 cfu/mL, respectively. The average YMC in milk samples from pastoralists and agro-pastoralists were 0.74 and 0.80 log10 cfu/mL, respectively. In general, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in the district do not practice hygienic milking and handling. Consequently, the implementation of hygienic milk production and handling practices is essential to enhance the safety and quality of sheep milk in the study area. Additionally, further research should be undertaken to investigate the microbiological aspects and assess the safety and quality parameters of sheep milk in greater detail.


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How to Cite

Ismail, A. A., Amentie, T., Abdi, F. H., & Ahmed, A. A. (2024). Hygienic Production Practices and Microbiological Quality of Sheep Milk in Ararso District of Jarar Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. International Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, 1(1), 64–73. https://doi.org/10.54536/ijvmas.v1i1.3562