New Obstacles to Smart City Cybersecurity


  • Adullah Alsaeed Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Saudi Arabia



Cyber-attack, Cybersecurity, False Data Injection (FDI), Resilience, Smart City, Smart Grid


This article provides a concise description of the criteria that may be evaluated to determine the adoption of smart grid approaches that improve cybersecurity. It is necessary, from a functional point of view, to establish the degree to which cyber resilience may be increased by implementing solutions that are efficient in terms of cost. The problem of cybersecurity for smart grids has been the focus of several research and initiatives. In this study, the detection and diagnosis of False Data Injection (FDI) attacks are investigated in detail concerning their accuracy, processing time, and resilience to outside influences. No one method can be applied to all power systems. Therefore, a comparison and statistical analysis of the newly reported approaches for detecting and recognizing cyberattacks are conducted here.


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How to Cite

Adullah Alsaeed. (2022). New Obstacles to Smart City Cybersecurity. American Journal of Smart Technology and Solutions, 1(1), 1–8.