Freshmen’s Technological Expertise and Distance Learning Readiness: A Convergent Parallel Design


  • Jordan B. Mallari University of Mindanao Senior High School, Bolton Campus, Davao City, Philippines
  • Ivy T. Lozarita University of Mindanao Senior High School, Bolton Campus, Davao City, Philippines
  • John Harry S. Caballo University of Mindanao Senior High School, Bolton Campus, Davao City, Philippines
  • Jobert C. Regidor University of Mindanao Senior High School, Bolton Campus, Davao City, Philippines



Technological Expertise, Distance Learning Readiness, Mixed Method


This convergent parallel mixed methods study primarily focused on technological expertise and distance learning readiness of freshmen students. The study had two phases: the quantitative phase and the qualitative phase. In the quantitative phase, results found that technological expertise and distance learning readiness were highly correlated with each other, with an R-value of .828 and a p-value of 0.000. In the qualitative phase, four themes were extracted: Technological Tools as a Significant Factor in Distance Education, Technological Expertise as Influenced by Minor Skills and Educational Courses, Technological Use Due to Education’s Status Quo, Challenges in Technological Availability, and Technological Background. The results showed a merging and converging characteristic of both data. The lived experiences of the freshmen students showed that technological tools, which are an indicator of technological expertise, are also a factor to be considered in distance learning readiness.


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How to Cite

Mallari, J. B., Lozarita, I. T., Caballo, J. H. S., & Regidor, J. C. (2024). Freshmen’s Technological Expertise and Distance Learning Readiness: A Convergent Parallel Design. American Journal of Smart Technology and Solutions, 3(1), 22–31.

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