The Mediating Effect of Teaching Effectiveness on the Relationship Between Passion and Commitment Among Public Elementary School Teachers


  • Geraldine M Gella University of Mindanao Davao City, Philippines
  • Lyndon A. Quines University of Mindanao, Tagum College,Philippines



Commitment, Educational Management, Mediating Effect, Passion, Philippines, Teaching Effectiveness


This study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of teaching effectiveness on the relationship between passion and commitment among 300 teachers in the Division of Davao del Sur. This study employed a non-experimental design utilizing the descriptive correlation technique. The statistical tools used were mean Pearson r and path analysis using SPSS AMOS. Research instruments on passion, commitment, and teaching effectiveness were validated and used as data sources. Using Pearson r, the results revealed a significant relationship between passion and commitment, passion and Teaching effectiveness, and teaching effectiveness and commitment. Utilizing path analysis, the study’s results showed no mediation of teaching effectiveness on the relationship between passion and commitment. Consequently, the findings of this study contended that teaching effectiveness as mediating variable carries no influence on passion and commitment.


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How to Cite

Geraldine, M. G., & Lyndon, . A. Q. (2022). The Mediating Effect of Teaching Effectiveness on the Relationship Between Passion and Commitment Among Public Elementary School Teachers. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, 1(4), 118–132.