A Systematic Review on the Accessibility of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Solar Energy Availability on a Short Scale Measurement
Accessibility, Solar, Spatio-Temporal, Mid-West, Variability, MozambiqueAbstract
The difficult access to energy in rural communities make up 80% of the world’s population, without access to electricity, strongly impels the need to establish the metric for access to this resource, to respond to the demand for inefficiency, fluctuations and instability that reduces output efficiency of a photovoltaic (PV) solar generator plant. The analysis of around 123 bibliographical sources accessed through the ePPI reviewer platform, focusing on the last 20 years, shows the majority to be applied to studies of small resolutions (one second) for hundreds of kilometers. One minute added to ten minutes of annual measurements is applied for thousands of interprovincial kilometers throughout Mid-western Mozambique. The potential is concluded as a source of spatial and temporal accessibility to the availability of solar energy is created.
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