Exploring the Effectiveness of Supervision in Enhancing Management of Educational Facilities in Secondary Schools in Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State
Education, Effectiveness and Secondary Schools, Management, SupervisionAbstract
The study explored the effective use of supervision of educational facilities management in bringing effective and efficient teaching and learning processes in schools in Akinyele local government. Ex-post facto design was adopted Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select fifteen principals, thirty vice-principals, forty-five heads of departments and one hundred and fifty students making two hundred and forty participated in the study. Two validated instruments were employed, and data collected were analyzed by frequency count and Pearson correlation. 119 (49.6%) of the respondents indicated bimonthly supervision of their school, followed by 62 (25.8%) monthly, 46 (19.2%) weekly, and 13 (5.4%) never indicated that their schools have never been supervised. There is a high positive correlation between education supervision and availability of facilities in schools (r = 0.770; P = 0.000). There is a high positive correlation between education supervision and access to facilities (r = 0.838; P = 0.000). There is a high positive correlation between education supervision and usability of facilities in schools (r = 0.863; P = 0.000). 196 (81.7%) proper utilisation of education facilities top the roles of supervisors in management of educational facilities as indicated by respondents. Watch dog follows this for lazy teachers 184 (76.7%). School and education supervision affect the availability, adequacy, access to as well as utilization of education facilities; therefore, school supervision should be continuous with a view to making the availability of education facilities more adequate, accessible, and utilized.
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