Entrepreneurship Development through Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) : A Study in Rural Bihar


  • Rajesh Ranjan Singh National Academy of RUDSETI, Banglore, India
  • Chaitan Kumar National Academy of RUDSETI, Banglore, India




Poverty Reduction, Rural Entrepreneurship, RSETI, Rural Bihar


RSETIs have emerged as one the most promising training intervention of the Govt of India. RSETIs are run in the collaboration with the Banks and the State Govts. Short term intensive training coupled with long term handholding model of entrepreneurship training has been a grand success in ameliorating the burgeoning unemployment problem in rural India. Case study of 5 RSETIs of Bihar States has been highlighted here. RSETIs have created rural entrepreneurship competencies in rural youth resulting in self employment and poverty reduction despite many challenges has been key outcome of the programme. the study has identified the factors which facilitate the entire training process and hindering factors also at different stages faced by trainees in their entrepreneurial success. In addition, the study also contributed by confirming the various important factors for measuring training effectiveness. In the study multiple aspects of empowerment through entrepreneurship training have been incorporated.


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How to Cite

Singh, R. R., & Kumar, C. (2025). Entrepreneurship Development through Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) : A Study in Rural Bihar. International Journal of Sustainable Rural Development, 2(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.54536/ijsrd.v2i1.4134