Climate Change Discourse in Nepal: Phenomenological Analysis


  • Dipesh Tandukar FHEAL, Nepal
  • Khilanath Luitel Nepal Kasthamandap College, Nepal
  • Shyam Maharjan Nepal Kasthamandap College, Nepal


Afforestation, Climate Change, Mitigation Strategies, Policy Frameworks, Sustainability


Climate change, which is characterized by notable variations in weather patterns mostly caused by greenhouse gas emissions and other human activities, poses enormous difficulties to ecosystems and societies around the world. This study investigates the effects of climate change in Nepal, a country that is highly dependent on agriculture and is especially vulnerable to abrupt changes in the weather. This study examines the perspectives and experiences of regional climate experts using a phenomenological research approach in order to comprehend the intricate effects of climate change and evaluate the effectiveness of existing mitigation measures. The results show that extreme weather events, like unpredictable rainfall and rising temperatures, are signs of climate change and cause disruptions to agricultural productivity and a rise in food inequality. The study brings to light the shortcomings of current policy frameworks and emphasizes the urgent need for a comprehensive strategy that incorporates community- and government-based initiatives. With its many advantages—such as improved soil, temperature control, and carbon sequestration—afforestation is shown to be a feasible approach. The study supports a coordinated approach to increase resistance and advance sustainability that combines short-term, localized measures with long-term legislative initiatives. Nepal can address the urgent difficulties posed by climate change and move towards a sustainable future by coordinating government and grassroots efforts. This study encourages a comprehensive strategy to successfully reduce the effects of climate change that combines strong regulations with nature-based alternatives.


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How to Cite

Tandukar, D., Luitel, K., & Maharjan, S. (2024). Climate Change Discourse in Nepal: Phenomenological Analysis. International Journal of Forestry and Ecosystem, 1(1), 17–22. Retrieved from