Determinants of Teff Production in North Showa Zone, Central Highlands of Ethiopia


  • Tadele Anagaw Zewdu Salale Universitys, Fiche 245, Ethiopia



Determinants, Logit, Teff, Teff Production, Ethiopia


Using primary data collected from 115 households of North Showa Zone, Ethiopia, the study examined determinants of Teff Production. In order to investigate the effect of each predictor variable on the household teff production level a bivariate analysis was performed. Among the econometric method of analysis, a logistic regression model was fitted to analyze the potential variables affecting household teff production level in the study area. The result of the descriptive analysis revealed that about 85 (73.90%) were teff producers while 30 (26.10%) of the households were found to be non-producer. Moreover, the logistic regression model estimates that among the nine variables included in the logistic model, eight of them were significant at different probability level (1, 5, and 10). These are the education of household head, total cultivated land for teff production per hectare, number of oxen, technology adoption, access of extension services received by households, sex, fertilizer application and kind of teff variety used. Finally, improving land quality, creating awareness towards importance of farm technology adoption, and providing frequent extension service were recommended.


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How to Cite

Zewdu, T. A. (2023). Determinants of Teff Production in North Showa Zone, Central Highlands of Ethiopia . American Journal of Smart Technology and Solutions, 2(1), 38–42.