Spectrum of Adolescent Marijuana Use in Secondary Schools at Sagamu, South-West Nigeria: Factors, Determinants and Scope
Spectrum, Adolescent, Marijuana Use, Secondary Schools, Sagamu, South-West Nigeria, Factors, Determinants, ScopeAbstract
Adolescents’ use of marijuana is a challenge of public health concern, and this also relates to several communities in Nigeria. The use of marijuana and other substances has been reported among the youths. However, the contributing factors to its consumption among these consumers are yet to be fully documented in some Nigerian states. This research aimed to investigate the spectrum of marijuana use among adolescents in secondary schools at Sagamu. The study employed a descriptive, cross-sectional design. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 388 respondents. A semi-structured questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.72 was employed. The predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors were measured on an 18-point rating scale. Pearson’s correlation and linear regression analysis were conducted to give statistical responses to the research hypotheses using SPSS version 23. The response rate in this research was 98%. The mean age of the respondents was 15.46±1.37years. 56.2% were females, 74.5% were Christians, and 84% were Yoruba. 4.6% of the respondents have an uneducated dad, 3.9% have an uneducated mum, 70.6% have a self-employed dad, and 78.1% have a self-employed mum. 92.5% of the respondents have a good knowledge of marijuana use. 77.6% have a positive attitude towards marijuana use. 48.7% of the respondents could be influenced by the reinforcing and enabling factors, and there was a 7.2% prevalence rate of marijuana use. There was a significant association between peer influence and marijuana use (R=0.105; R2=0.11; p=0.39), but none between respondents’ predisposing factors and marijuana use (p>0.05). Peer influence was the only significant determinant of marijuana use among the respondents. Peer education from homes, schools, and governments is therefore recommended to promote the non-use of marijuana and other substances among adolescents.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ejiroghene Oluwafunke Okorosobo, Ademola Mufutau Amosu, Aloysius Obinna Ikwuka, Francis Chigozie Udeh

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