Exploring Technostress Effects on Job Performance of Higher Education Peruvian English Teachers


  • Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza Center for Language Studies, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Perú




Peruvian University Teachers, Post-Pandemic, Psychological Well-Being, Technostress


The aim of this research as a literature review is to explore the impact of technostress on the job performance of university teachers in Peru within the post-pandemic context. By conducting a comprehensive review of the literature, we delve into the various aspects of technostress, identify the factors that contribute to its occurrence, and assess its effects on the psychological well-being of Peruvian university teachers. Elements such as information overload, constant interruptions, insufficient technological competence, technological dependency, and technical difficulties are identified as causes of technostress among teachers. Additionally, it is highlighted that the post-pandemic context, with the transition to online learning and limitations in access and quality of technology, has exacerbated this phenomenon. As a conclusion, the technostress experienced by Peruvian university teachers has negative consequences on their psychological well-being, manifesting as anxiety, exhaustion, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, sleep problems, and decreased academic performance. Based on these findings, the importance of developing intervention strategies and support that address technostress in Peruvian university teachers is emphasized, promoting a healthy use of technology in the post-pandemic context.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez-Barboza, J. R. (2023). Exploring Technostress Effects on Job Performance of Higher Education Peruvian English Teachers. American Journal of Education and Technology, 2(3), 69–75. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajet.v2i3.1803