Understanding the Nexus Between Climate Change, Dwindling Agro-Pastoral Resources, and Conflicts in Kouoptamo, Cameroon
Agro-Pastoral Resources, Cameroon, Climate Change, Conflicts, West RegionAbstract
Climate variability and change are a major threat to rain-fed agro-pastoral systems in Africa and a potential source of conflict. This work sets out to examine the relationship between climate variability, resource degradation, and agro-pastoral conflicts. Using mixed research methods, secondary data was collected from archives and reports in institutions while primary data was collected through the administration of 120 questionnaires to purposively selected farmers and grazers while 09 in-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of data revealed that climatic elements of rainfall and temperature have been varying in space and time with negative impacts on water and pasture. The regression model considered climate variability as a predictor of resource degradation and the independent variable explained the outcome variable at R=0.711; R2=0. 633; ΔR2=0.622;p<0.01. Also, climate variability was able to predict agro-pastoral conflicts at, R=0.736; R2=0.542; ΔR2=0.540;p<0.01. Climate-exacerbated conflicts have been recorded in Mbankouop (40.9%), Njogoumbe (31.8%) and Njitapon (27.25). Conflicts occur between crop farmers and pastoralists and between pastoralists themselves as they compete over diminishing resources. Hence, understanding the nexus between climate change, resource scarcity and conflicts paves the way for proper adaptation and limits conflicts.
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