A Review on the Impacts of Toposequence on Soil Properties


  • Godspower Oke Omokaro Institute of Ecology, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Mikluho Maklaya 6, Moscow, Russia & Department of Soil Science and Land Management, University of Benin, P.M.B 1155, Ugbowo, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria




Toposequence, Soil Properties, Conservation, Soil Management, Soil Variation


This study demonstrates the significant influence of toposequence position on soil properties and hydrological conditions, affecting crop yield. Variations in toposequence position lead to differences in soil properties; physical and chemical properties may vary minimally or maximally depending on the slope’s location. As slope increases, soil moisture and organic carbon rise, while bulk density, pH, and soil temperature decrease. Soils along a toposequence reveal that landscape position, erosion, aspect, and drainage impact soil depth, particle size distribution, and CEC. Understanding topography’s influence on soil characteristics is crucial for evaluating soil productivity and devising conservation strategies. This knowledge is essential for assessing soil value and avoiding uneven input distribution in agricultural fields on diverse terrains. This review paper summarizes the impacts of toposequence on soil physical and chemical properties. The study utilized databases such as Google Scholar, African Journals Online (AJOL), Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to identify relevant studies.


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How to Cite

Omokaro, G. O. (2023). A Review on the Impacts of Toposequence on Soil Properties. American Journal of Environment and Climate, 2(3), 114–120. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajec.v2i3.2209