Evaluation of Potato Varieties for Yield and Dry Matter Response to Different Fertilizer Levels in Mid Altitude Region in Uganda


  • Nicholus Kagurusya Bishop Stuart University, Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology, P O Box 09, Mbarara, Uganda
  • D.S Osiru Bishop Stuart University, Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology, P O Box 09, Mbarara, Uganda
  • Y.K Zaake Bishop Stuart University, Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology, P O Box 09, Mbarara, Uganda
  • Edgar Muhumuza Makerere University, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
  • Noel Kishaija Makerere University, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda




Yield, Dry matter content, Potato, Uganda


Potato is an important crop in Uganda that increasing its production and productivity must be emphasized. The yield and quality of potato tubers are partly influenced by the elevation, variety and fertilizers used. However, there is limited information on response of potato varieties to yield and dry matter under different NPK levels. This study therefore, was carried out to determine yield and dry matter response of potato in the mid altitude environment under different NPK (17:17:17) levels. Three potato varieties; Victoria, Rwangume and Kachpot1 were studied for two seasons at BSU Farm under a Randomized Complete Block design with three replications for each season at a fertilizer level of 0Kg/ha, 50Kg/ha and 100Kg/ha. Results showed dry matter was significantly different among the varieties and the overall mean ranged from 17.06% to 23.7%. Across the seasons, Kacpot1 had the highest dry matter content at 22.96% from fertilizer level one, whilst Rwangume had the lowest dry matter content at 18.08% from fertilizer level three. Fertilizer level three produced the highest overall mean of yield (12.19 t/ha) during 2019B and the lowest over all mean (5.3t/ha) from fertilizer level f1 during 2020A. Across the seasons, Katchpot1 yielded the best at 14.78 t/ha, whilst Victoria was the lowest yielder at 7.02 t/ha. The increase in fertilizer levels decreased the dry matter content of potatoes. Fertilizer level f2 is recommended for Katchpot 1, while f3 is recommended for Rwangume and Victoria for optimum yield.


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How to Cite

Nicholus , K., Osiru, D. S. ., Zaake, Y. K., Edgar , M., & Noel , K. (2022). Evaluation of Potato Varieties for Yield and Dry Matter Response to Different Fertilizer Levels in Mid Altitude Region in Uganda. American Journal of Agricultural Science, Engineering, and Technology, 6(3), 33–45. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajaset.v6i3.640