Characterization of Village Chicken Production Systems in Three Agro-climatic Zones of Western Tigray, Northern, Ethiopia


  • Shishay Markos Humera Begait Research Center of Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, P.O.BOX 62, Humera, Tigray, Ethiopia
  • Berhanu Belay Injibara University, P.O. Box: 40, Injibara, Ethiopia
  • Tadelle Dessie International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), P.O.BOX, 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



Feeding, Feed Resources, Housing, Water Resources, Water Provision


A survey was conducted in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, to characterize village chicken production systems using a questionnaire and group discussions. Data was analyzed using SPSS 22. Respondents provided supplementary feeds to chickens to improve yields and health. Sorghum, maize, sesame, tomato, onion, barley, and household food leftovers were the main supplementary feeds, although the types of cereal crops produced varied across agro-climates. Harvest and purchase were main sources of cereal and non-cereal chicken feeds, respectively. 50.4% considered summer, 48.8% winter as critical feed seasons. Farmers provided feeds to their chickens in the morning (98.7%), afternoon (69.6%), and evening (81.3%), and on the ground for collective feeding (97.9%). 59.5% of respondents constructed separate chicken houses, with 56.1% being permanent structures and 3.4% temporary. Chicken houses were constructed using materials such as mud, wood, iron sheet roofing, bamboo, grass, and plastic. 57.7% cleaned chicken houses, 66% once daily, and 2.1% not at all. Water was provided ad libitum (70.9%), once a day (7.5%), or twice a day (21.6%) from wells, taps, or rivers using various waterers. Eighty-six percent of the respondents cleaned chicken waterers, while the remaining 14% did not. Training is needed for house construction, feeding, watering, cleaning, and disinfection of feeders and waterers to prevent waterborne diseases.


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How to Cite

Markos, S., Belay, B., & Dessie, T. (2024). Characterization of Village Chicken Production Systems in Three Agro-climatic Zones of Western Tigray, Northern, Ethiopia. American Journal of Aquaculture and Animal Science, 3(1), 9–24.