English Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Integration of ICT in EFL Classroom in Nepal
ICT as a Tool for Professional Development, ICT for Motivation, ICT for Self-Learning, ICT in Language Teaching, ICT in Pedagogical ActivitiesAbstract
The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching has transformed traditional classrooms by fostering interactive and student-centered learning. This study investigates English teachers’ perceptions of ICT use in EFL classrooms in Nepal, based on survey data from 222 secondary-level English teachers in Achham, Bajhang, and Kailali districts of the Far-Western Province, Nepal. Adopting a quantitative research design, the study examines teachers’ knowledge of ICT tools and their application across motivational, pedagogical, self-learning, and professional development domains. Findings indicate that teachers hold generally positive perceptions of ICT, acknowledging its potential to enhance motivation, enrich pedagogical practices, support self-learning, and facilitate professional growth. Teachers reported that ICT fosters engagement, improves lesson delivery, and provides access to global resources. However, practical challenges such as inadequate resources, insufficient training, and limited technical support hinder its effective implementation. Notable differences were observed in ICT usage based on teaching experience, availability of digital resources, and prior exposure to ICT training. Teachers strongly endorsed ICT as a motivational tool, emphasizing its ability to create engaging and enjoyable learning activities, while also highlighting its limitations in managing classroom behavior. In pedagogical practices, ICT was valued for enabling innovative approaches, though some teachers noted difficulties in seamlessly integrating it into traditional teaching contexts. The study also underscores ICT’s role in fostering self-learning and professional development, though further efforts are needed to address gaps in teacher confidence and sustained usage. The study recommends investing in ICT infrastructure, providing continuous professional development, and designing supportive policies to empower teachers. By addressing contextual barriers and promoting teacher competency, the findings aim to advance ICT-driven pedagogies in Nepal’s EFL classrooms.
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