Review on Nutrient Contents and Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
Chlorophyll, Health Benefits, Nutrient Composition, Wheatgrass JuiceAbstract
The main aim of this review is to provide an overview of the nutrient contents and health benefits of grain wheat for wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass juice is the young grass of the common wheat plant (Triticum aestivum) freshly juiced for human consumption. Wheatgrass growing and preparation of its juice in our homes in both rural and urban areas is easy and convenient. Wheatgrass is grown in trays to preserve its quality when delivered to food establishments. When the wheatgrass reached a height of above 7 inches, they are cut a half inch above the surface of the soil and harvested for wheatgrass juice production after 8 days from grain sowing or 13 days from grain soaking. The wheatgrass juice is extracted by manual or electric juicer and filtered to remove the suspended matter. Wheatgrass juice is a complete food that contains chlorophyll, proteins, minerals like K, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, P, and S, vitamins such as A, B, C, and E, bioflavonoids, enzymes, and 17 forms of amino acids. The pH factor of the wheatgrass juice and human blood is 7.4, which may be the reason why wheatgrass juice is quickly absorbed into the blood. Wheatgrass juice is used for treating protein-energy malnutrition, micronutrient deficiency, and chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular, thalassemia, and cancer of any organ. In addition, wheatgrass juice is an excellent antioxidant due to the presence of 70% of chlorophyll.
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