Evaluation of Seven Taro Cultivars [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schot] for Yield and Corm Quality under Poultry Manure Fertilization in Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria
Cormel, Corm Quality, Cultivars, Poultry Manure, Fertilization, TaroAbstract
The study was conducted at the Prince Abubakar Audu University Research and Demonstration Farm, Anyigba, during the 2021 Cropping Season to evaluate seven taro cultivars for yield and corm quality under poultry manure fertilization. Treatments consist of 7 cultivars (1 local cultivar inclusive) combined factorially with two poultry manure levels (0 and 6 t/ha). A total of 14 treatments was obtained and laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three (3) replications giving a total of 42 plots. Results showed that all cultivars differed significantly (P<0.05) in yield and yielded attributing characters. Though Local cultivar had the highest corm yield/ ha but was significantly indifferent from those of NCe 003, NCe, 002 and Akirimgbawa. The longest corm of 23.78cm was produced by NxS 003. Plots treated with poultry manure (6 tha-1) produced significantly more corms (15), Longer corm (20cm), and heavier corms (70g) per plant than the control plots, on average, plots treated with 6tha-1 produced 5.95tha-1 of corm compared with the control plots 4.476 tha-1. Interaction of cultivar x poultry manure on Number of corms, Corm length, Average yield/Corm and total corm yield/ha, indicated differential response of cultivar to poultry manure. On corm quality, the highest crude protein (13.41%), fat (1.70%), crude fibre (0.69%) and carbohydrate (29.05%) was obtained with NCe 003, Local, NCe 003 and NxS 003 cultivars respectively. Poultry manure significantly influenced corm quality vis-a-vis crude protein, (48.8%) crude fibre (20.9%) and a decrease of 2.4% in carbohydrate content. The best cultivar with respect to corm weight/ha (i.e. total yield/ha) is Local (7.0 tha-1), NCe 003 appeared to be of higher nutritive value than other. Further study involving graded level of the nutrients (poultry manure) with few cultivars (NCe 003, Nce 002 and Local) should be experimented for identification of optimum levels of the manure for maximum yield.
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