Intercultural Communicative Competence in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language: Perspectives of Filipino Teachers


  • Justine A. Dela Cruz College of Teacher Education, The University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • Juhannah S. Paican College of Teacher Education, The University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • Norsamia R. Rajahmuda College of Teacher Education, The University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • John Harry S. Caballo College of Teacher Education, The University of Mindanao, Philippines



Cultural Awareness, English as a Foreign Language, Intercultural Communicative Competence, Learners, Teaching


This qualitative study explored Filipino EFL teachers’ perspectives on Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) in their teaching practice. It employed a qualitative approach with six participants to investigate three key areas: teachers’ views on ICC, their use of intercultural approaches in teaching, and the perceived contributions of ICC to teaching English as a Foreign Language. The research found that teachers viewed ICC as essential for fostering effective cross-cultural communication and promoting cultural awareness. Participants reported implementing intercultural approaches through interactive cultural learning activities and the integration of authentic materials. Key contributions of ICC included enhanced communication skills and cultural competence, promotion of global awareness and citizenship, and better preparation for real-world interactions in a globalized context. The study argued for a shift from traditional methods towards an intercultural approach in EFL education, emphasizing the need for professional development


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How to Cite

Cruz, J. A. D., Paican, J. S., Rajahmuda, N. R., & Caballo, J. H. S. (2024). Intercultural Communicative Competence in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language: Perspectives of Filipino Teachers. American Journal of Society and Law, 3(2), 8–15.