Strategic Intervention Material (SIM): Its Effectiveness in Teaching Beauty Nail Care Services


  • Jane Delano R. Estipona Antipolo City Senior High School, DepEd, Antipolo, Philippines



Beauty Nail Care Services, Strategic Intervention Material (SIM), Technical-Vocational-Livelihood


The implementation of the Senior High School program has paved the way for the inclusion of technical and vocational education as one of the four (4) tracks offered from Grade 11 to Grade 12; specifically, the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track has gained traction as the shift from content-based to outcome-based learning has becomes a tagline in most, if not all, schools in the country. Home Economics is one of the TVL strands and Beauty Nail Care Services are part of its subject which students face a decrease in performance. This led the researcher to develop Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in which this descriptive research was conducted to determine the extent to which good characteristics of a learning material was met as assessed by seven (7) experts; and its effectiveness in increasing the academic performance of thirty (30) purposively chosen HE students. Findings revealed that SIM “very highly” met the characteristics of a good learning material (x ̅=4.551, sd=0.447); the academic performance of those who utilized the SIM was “Very Satisfactory” (x ̅=85, sd=0.8.02); there was a significant difference in the academic performance of those who utilized the SIM and those who were not (t=-2.030, p=0.047); and SIM was “Effective” (x ̅=2.772, sd=0.439) in terms of Content, Clarity, Comprehensibility, and Usefulness. All supports and initiatives for utilizing this material was highly recommended. Results yield positive implications towards students’ skills in the said field, necessary for work immersion and TESDA assessment; and the HE curriculum being implemented in all senior high schools in the country.


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How to Cite

Estipona, J. D. R. (2024). Strategic Intervention Material (SIM): Its Effectiveness in Teaching Beauty Nail Care Services. American Journal of Physical Education and Health Science, 2(1), 30–34.