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About the Journal

The American Journal of IR 4.0 and Beyond (AJIRB) is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that publishes articles in diverse fields such as science, engineering, technology, humanities, management, and finance. The AJIRB endeavors to provide a global platform for the dynamic exchange of ideas and findings from research of various disciplines, inducing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The AJIRB reviews papers within the shortest possible time of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.

ISSN: 2837-4738 (Online)

Aim & Scope
The AJIRB aims to bring new research insights into the industrial revolutions across various fields as well as the significance of STEM. Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is high technology digitization to enhance communication networks, organization, management, and production and processes across industries. The rate of changes and its convergence towards IR 4.0 require new talent, knowledge, skills, and research for current and future generations to retain and generate new workforces. Therefore, the AJIRB focuses on research articles and reviews relevant to industrial revolution 4.0 and beyond. The AJIRB welcomes research articles and reviews papers that emphasize strong theoretical, conceptual, and empirical evidence on the industrial revolution and STEM, including issues and opportunities in relevant studies. All articles are reviewed quickly, professionally copyedited, and checked for similarity to avoid plagiarism for quality and faster publication.

Frequencies of publication
Two issues in a year while it accepts articles throughout the years and publishes online immediately after receiving the final version from the author.

Area of publication
The AJIRB covers research articles and reviews papers across the academic disciplines of communication networks, organization, management, production, and processes across industries related to the industrial revolution (IR 4.0) and STEM.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): American Journal of IR 4.0 and Beyond
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