Transforming Education: Enhancing Student Performance and Satisfaction through the Flipped Classroom Method


  • Sija Binoy Gulf Medical University, UAE



Flipped Classroom Approach, Student Performance, Educational Innovation, Technology Integration, Teaching Strategy, Traditional Classroom


The flipped classroom, a form of blended learning, has gained popularity in higher education due to its potential to improve student engagement and performance. This approach addresses limitations in traditional teaching methods, such as didactic lectures and passive learning methods, by moving content delivery outside class and utilizing in-person sessions for active learning activities. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the flipped classroom as a teaching-learning strategy and to gather students’ opinions of the idea. A second-year undergraduate nursing class (n = 96) was split into two groups, one of which used the flipped classroom technique and the other the conventional approach in a quasi-experimental design. Questionnaires on a Likert scale were utilized to assess students’ opinions of the flipped classroom, and pre-and post-test results were evaluated. A variety of statistical analyses were used to compare mean scores and evaluate the efficacy of the flipped classroom, including paired and independent t-tests. A quasi-experimental study involving a second-year undergraduate nursing class showed a statistically significant improvement in student performance and a positive perception of the flipped classroom approach with P<0.001. The flipped classroom in nursing education allows students to learn at their own pace through pre-class work, with an instructor as a facilitator. This personalized approach uses technology like online platforms and collaborative tools to deliver lectures and facilitate in-class activities, potentially improving student engagement, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning abilities.


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How to Cite

Binoy, S. (2024). Transforming Education: Enhancing Student Performance and Satisfaction through the Flipped Classroom Method. American Journal of Education and Technology, 3(1), 35–45.