Development of Beef Cattle Agribusiness in the Rubber Plantation Farming System in the Community Livestock Center Area, West Java Indonesia


  • Ferdi Fathurohman Agroindustry Study Program, Subang State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Rita Purwasih Agroindustry Study Program, Subang State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Nurul Mukminah Agroindustry Study Program, Subang State Polytechnic, Indonesia



Livestock Group, , Canvas Business Model, Beef Cattle Agribusiness


The development of beef cattle in quantity has had a very real impact on increasing people’s income in improving their welfare. The development of animal husbandry, especially in beef cattle, has been carried out for generations and shows quite good development, including in the k groups. The purpose of this study is to identify a canvas business model consisting of nine elements and map out how strategies are used for the improvement and development of beef cattle agribusiness in the rubber plantation farming system. The methods used were qualitative and quantitative with sequential exploratory design. Data collection was carried out with in-depth interviews and observations to farmers and institutions in 15 livestock groups around RNI’s rubber plantation plantations. The results obtained where the business model was good when viewed from nine elements according to the concept of business model canvas. This study found that the strength of the livestock group was in the high category. Very high opportunities in the customer segment and high threats in value propositions. Therefore, livestock groups are advised to carry out business development in a way; adding to the customer segment, namely restaurants, DKM mosques and large companies, increasing the value proposition by opening meat stalls and opening meat processing businesses, creating websites, conducting consignments with several sales points and collaborating with universities and looking for freelance web developers.


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How to Cite

Fathurohman, F., Purwasih, R., & Mukminah, N. (2022). Development of Beef Cattle Agribusiness in the Rubber Plantation Farming System in the Community Livestock Center Area, West Java Indonesia. American Journal of Aquaculture and Animal Science, 1(1), 38–45.