Learner Centred Teaching Strategies That Can Be Incorporated with Guided Discovery Method on Senior High School Students’ Achievement in Circle Theorems


  • Suraj Nurideen WA Senior High Technical School Post Office Box 78, Wa Upper West Region, Ghana
  • Churcher Kwesi Amenyi C. K. Tedem University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ghana
  • Christopher Saaha C. K. Tedem University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ghana
  • Hissan Yunus Department of Mathematics Education, University of Business and Integrated Development Studies –UBIDS, Wa, Ghana




Circle Theorems, Constructivism, Guided Discovery-Based Instruction, Students Achievement, Learner Centered Teaching


The aim of the study is to investigate learner centered teaching strategies that can be incorporated with the guided discovery method to aid students’ achievement in circle theorems. The study employed a descriptive survey of questionnaires formulated for both teachers and students. Two Form 2 classes from various two Wa Municipality schools were chosen for the study using convenient, purposeful, and straightforward random sampling techniques. To conduct the study, two research questions were used. The sample size was composed of 164 students and 32 mathematics teachers from 2 schools in Wa Municipality in the Upper West Region. The theory that influenced the study was Piaget’s cognitive constructivism. The main purpose of the study was to ascertain the impact of incorporating other teaching or learning strategies with the guided discovery-based instruction to aid students’ conceptual understanding leading to achievement in circle theorems. The study’s findings indicated that teacher-related challenges recorded a mean of 1.66 as well as students’ own personal problems recorded a mean of 1.71, the encounter with teaching and learning of circle theorems had a low effect rate of 1.71 on their understanding of circle theorems. The results of the study’s findings suggested that teachers’ implementation of a variety of other appropriate learner-centered teaching strategies recorded a mean of 1.68 as well and learner-centered teaching resources or teaching aids recorded a mean of 1.77, have a low effect rate on students’ understanding of circle theorems when they are incorporated with guided discovery method in the classroom. To enhance the performance of SHS students, it will be most advantageous to introduce guided discovery teaching methods to pre-and in-service teachers, through promotion by Ghana Education Service and/or other stakeholders in the education sector, this introduction may be distributed through workshops and seminars. Math teachers’ instructional techniques and skills will improve as a result.


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How to Cite

Nurideen, S., Amenyi, C. K., Saaha, C., & Yunus, H. (2024). Learner Centred Teaching Strategies That Can Be Incorporated with Guided Discovery Method on Senior High School Students’ Achievement in Circle Theorems. American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, 3(1), 10–25. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajiri.v3i1.2138