Welfare Index for Western Visayas, Philippines


  • Grace Edmar Elizar ISAT University, Iloilo City, Philippines




Alternative Welfare Construct, Welfare, Western Visayas, Philippines, Political Assessment, Human Development Index


This paper suggests an alternative welfare index for Western Visayas, Philippines. It composes the latest Human Development Index (HDI), and the recent figures on employment and underemployment rate, agricultural production and gross regional domestic product rate, Consumer Price Index, and inflation rate, purchasing power, Gini-coefficient ratio, poverty incidence, temperature, and population growth. The study collects these pieces of information on October 5-25, 2021. Using the arithmetic averaging, and following the scales of the HDI, the results show that Western Visayas’ welfare is within ‘Safe’ condition and is slightly far from its goal of reaching the ‘Secure’ classification


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How to Cite

Elizar, G. E. (2022). Welfare Index for Western Visayas, Philippines. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, 1(4), 18–25. https://doi.org/10.54536/ajmri.v1i4.330