Classroom Observation and Teachers’ Professional Development Activities: Basis for Intervention Plan
Classroom Observations, Professional DevelopmentAbstract
Classroom observations systematically measure teachers’ performance, offering an effective professional development method. This study examines teachers’ perceptions of classroom observation and its impact on their professional growth. It evaluates the extent of classroom observation and its relationship with professional development during pre-observation, actual observation, and post-observation phases. The study involved 376 elementary teachers from Manolo Fortich District II and III, Division of Bukidnon, using a tool adapted from DepEd, COT (RPMS) for Teacher I-III. A mixed-method research design and universal sampling were employed, with mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation for statistical analysis. Results indicated a very positive level of classroom observation and professional development. Significant relationships were found between classroom observation phases and professional development activities like LAC sessions, training, and postgraduate study. Teachers perceive classroom observations as enhancing their knowledge, skills, and teaching practices, providing professional development opportunities, and contributing to their overall growth. It is recommended that teachers pursue postgraduate studies to further improve their teaching skills and knowledge in various subjects.
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